Conference objective
Exchange of ideas on problems and ways of development of higher technical education, elaborations of recommendations for improvement

Problematic field of the conference
- Interaction of science, education and real economy sector in the training of competitive professionals
- A quality management system for higher technical education
- Modern technologies in education
- Formation of social and personal competences

The conference program is compiled by an expert selection of the received material according to the following criteria: originality, scientific and practical importance, manufacturability. The organizing committee has the right to reject reports that are out of the conference scope or do not meet the requirements of the paper format.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. All papers will be published as edited by authors. Proceedings publication shall be issued at BSUIR cost.

All expenses related to the conference participation shall be carried by the participants’ organizations (subsistence and accommodation). No participation fee.

Address of the Organizing Committee:

220013, Minsk, Brovki Str., 6, BSUIR Building N 1, room 321.

Phone: 375 17 293 89 88, 375 17 293 89 90

Fax: 375 17 202 10 33


Current information about the conference can be found at: